Thursday 4 October 2012

There you are…

There you are…

            Monday again… I woke up before my alarm clock rings. It’s around 6 am. I don’t want to get up. Through my window I just saw another overcast sky. My bad mood started earlier this day. Anyways, I have to, I must go on with this nonsense routine, even though I just want to do another things. I want to play my guitar, see the ocean or just to feel the grass beneath my feet.
            The alarm clock rings… here we go again. I take that ridiculous shower that can’t even wake me up. Then, the clothes: A typical pair of trouser, a T-shirt and a jumper. I go for breakfast, even though I know that I’d just have a cup of coffee. I watch the TV; some strange news is appearing about a tragic accident that occurred last night. I just focused on the time: 7:15 am. It’s time to go.
            As usual, I put my earphones on, I took my bike and I went riding. Heavy cross by Gossip started to sound in my mp3. Nothing is better to cheer me up than that song. I was going as fast as a rabbit running from its hunter. Suddenly, I turned to the right in a corner and, surprisingly, a girl appeared. The crush was tremendous.  I felt down from my bike, rolling some meters from it. I’ve just heard her falling as well.
            She was the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. Her eyes were blue like the sky and her hair had the most marvellous waves I could ever experience. She was on the floor, staring at me, with an upset look.
            Why don’t you look at where you’re ridding – said angrily – that’s bloody typical! People like you just go there, believing that are something like God!
I was frozen. I could not utter a right sound to answer her.   She stood looking at me. Are you going to help me? – She said – at least you could do that!
Ok! Ok! It is not necessary to kick up a fuss! - I stupidly said. I went closer and could perceive her magnificent fragrance. It was a strange mixture of flowers’ essences. It was like the spring was coming out from her hair. She was so marvellous and I could not resist losing this opportunity.
            Do you fancy a coffee? – I nervously said.
I thought you’d never ask – she said, smiling at me – let’s try to have a good time after this event, ok? 
            We went together to a really nice place that she knew. It was a small café where the fragrance of the toasted coffee was strong but extremely familiar. We sat there for hours. It was one of those moments that time flies and goes so fast, as a train without breaks that you can’t stop. I enjoyed every single minute that we were together. I forgot about my frustrations and fears. I just had fun with that astonishing conversation. 
            We decided to go for a walk. The pavement was warm by the sun. The sunset was nicely ending, giving the night the opportunity of being on stage. That warm pavement, for some reason, reminded me my mother. Then, I looked at the sky and I realised that it was totally covered by dark clouds.
            It is going to chuck it down in any minute – She nicely said while she was looking at the sky. I just smiled.
            And it happened. It was pouring down so heavily that I offered her to go for a covered place. She refused. She just took my hand and pulled me at the middle of the street, which, for some strange reason, was empty.
            We got soaked right away. She smiled at me. I was completely confused. She took my head with both hands and kissed me. It was so gentle and pure that I forgot everything else. Her lips had an unusual taste. They were like a mixture of cigarettes, coffee and cherry lip stick. Fascinatingly, it was the most delicious kiss I ever had.  They were we, kissing under the rain.
            You have to enjoy this – She said – feel the rain, the earth and the sun. That’s the exact moment when you will start living...
            6 am, and the alarm clock rang again. It was highly difficult to open my eyes this time. A song needled my brain – Make it mine, by Jason Mraz – so I just jumped out the bed and I looked it on my mp3. While I was hearing it, I decided to open the window and a howling wind just entered to my room. For some strange reason, the breeze smelled to some flowers’ fragrance. I just smiled. 

Beal_hls (2011)

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